Our Blog
October 17, 2017
What is success to you? Is it getting everything off your to-do list today? Or is it getting a new job? Those are two very different objectives. I hope you’re one of those people that…
September 29, 2017
I’m on my Toastmasters soapbox again. If you are a professional and want to improve yourself, get to a Toastmasters meeting. You will develop so many skills beyond public speaking. Today I’m thrilled to share…
September 15, 2017
Communication and interpersonal skills are often labeled “soft skills.” That really ticks me off. If communication and interpersonal skills are “soft,” why do so many people struggle to improve those skills? And why are corporations…
August 25, 2017
If you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet you are constantly striving to meet your expectations. The ones you set and are in control of. And the ones that drive you crazy. I’ve been hearing…
August 18, 2017
I hear this question from YoPros like you a lot: “Should I change jobs?” Such a simple question, but it requires a lot of thinking and discussion. Here’s what follows. Your Coaching Session Questions to…
July 31, 2017
One of our goals at MentorLoft is to help you learn and become a highly valued employee at work. This is a critical step on your career path. If you and I were talking over…
July 13, 2017
Whatever your career goals, take these steps to improve your writing skills now. It is what I call a career-enhancing technique. Being a good writer will give you a competitive advantage when a promotion opportunity…
June 29, 2017
Which means of communication do you use the most? If you’re like most people today, you rely on email first because it’s quickest and easiest to write. Right? Next question: which means of communication makes…
June 23, 2017
What if you could write really good emails? Would it boost your career? I’m sure it would because being able to write really good emails would make you stand out from the crowd. Most people…
June 15, 2017
If you’re anything like me, some days are better than others. And on those bad days, I could use some self-esteem exercises to get me out of the cave I crawl into to hide. That’s…
June 1, 2017
What are good questions to ask? You get an A+ for even asking this question. Too many people today forget to think about their questions before asking them. My list below highlights the 10 best…
May 18, 2017
Greetings from Hilton Head Island, SC. We decided to take a break and vacation this week at HHI. As you can see, mother nature and the weather gods are shining on us. On Thursdays I…
May 11, 2017
How important is continuous learning to your success? The simple answer is tons! And, yes, that’s why MentorLoft exists. I could ask it another way: How much do you want to succeed in your career?…
May 4, 2017
This is the day I usually post a new blog. But when I saw that it’s National Star Wars Day, I realized I must bow to the greater forces that are Star Wars fans. Here,…
April 27, 2017
These three types of meetings are guaranteed to make you look good with your boss, your staff (if you have any), and your peers. I’m going to explore how to have successful status meetings, celebratory…
April 20, 2017
What are your sources of stress? Check out these ways to identify and confront your sources of stress and gain control of your life. If you’re a human being, your greatest sources of stress are…
April 13, 2017
How do you show empathy? Are you like Oscar the Grouch, growling from your trash can, or are you like Big Bird, always caring about and understanding with others? Empathy is a component of emotional…
April 5, 2017
Having patience is a challenge facing drivers in my city these days—more than ever. Last week a massive fire shut down Interstate 85 near downtown Atlanta. Miraculously, due to the tireless efforts of first responders,…
March 30, 2017
Building your people network takes time and many skills—asking questions, listening carefully, reading body language and more. It also takes practice. But one often overlooked skill set can derail all your best intentions and hard…
March 16, 2017
We’ve spent a lot of time this year discussing how to create a goals list to help you grow. What kind of progress are you making on those goals? Are you like the person who…
February 23, 2017
Using effective communication techniques makes networking so much easier. If you’re usually at a loss about what to say when networking, read on. Networking is a lot like playing the game Clue. You have to…
February 16, 2017
Why is time management important? Time management is what I call a career-limiting or career-enhancing skill. If you’re good at it, your boss will love you—that’s career-enhancing. If you’re bad at it, your boss will…
February 9, 2017
You may be thinking: “A success network? What are you talking about, Pam?” A success network is a service universities provide to help students succeed at school. The success network links a student to faculty,…
February 2, 2017
What is an accountability partner? Let’s go back in time to find the first person who held you accountable—your mom (or dad). What chores were you required to do as a kid? Feed the dog,…
January 26, 2017
What are core values? Core values are the internal, deeply held values that support your beliefs, which drive the actions you take. They are the essence of you. It amazes me how few individuals have…