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Budgeting Tips for the New Year to Help You Plan, Prepare, and Win in 2024

Budgeting tips

Is this gorgeous or what?

Does it really have your name on it?

Can you really afford it?

Here’s my plan to get this beauty. Go to the dealership (online or in person), ask all the very important questions, take a test drive (in person), decide I just have to have it, then settle for a 15-year-loan with a horrendous interest rate attached because that’s how long it’s going to take for me to pay for this thing.

Speaking of paying through the nose, it would have helped if I had thought about this ahead of time (planning) and saved up a bunch of money (budgeting). If you missed our last post on planning and budgeting, click HERE TO catch up. 

The 4th Quarter

It’s now Q4 of 2023—time for planning and budgeting for 2024. What are you doing to make sure your company is prepared financially for next year?

Managing a company’s finances begins at the top–a no-brainer, right? The links below provide information that should help you and your team be winners in the planning and budgeting sweepstakes.

  • Do you dread budgeting season? The key to less dread and a better outcome is to put the right processes in place. This article from Vena focuses on setting up systems for budgeting using some ideas that you might not have thought of. It is well-written and easy to read. Check it out.
  • Sometimes when doing a thing it is good to know what NOT to do. Here are a few budgeting whoopsie-daisies that you should steer clear of.
  • This article outlines the basics of budgeting and introduces some helpful tools to streamline the process.
  • Do your personal finances need an overhaul this year? Check out this insightful Forbes article for some tips.