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How an Olympic speed skater helped me get out of the Gap

An avid reader, I want to share a powerful lesson I just learned from “The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success.”

I got the book because I’m a big fan of Dan Sullivan, Strategic Coach®. His work is featured in the book.

“Your future growth and progress are based in your understanding about the difference between the two ways in which you can measure yourself: against an ideal, which puts you in what I call ‘the GAP,’ and against your starting point, which puts you in ‘the GAIN,’ appreciating all that you’ve accomplished.”—Dan Sullivan, Strategic Coach®

The concept of Gap and Gain really hit home for me.

You’ve heard about the millionaire who thinks $3 million isn’t enough. He/she has to get to $5 million and then more. That’s the Gap.

Meet Dan Jansen

In “The Gap and the Gain,” author Benjamin Hardy shares the story of Dan Jansen, a phenomenal speed skater. Jansen lost event after event in his push to win an Olympic medal. It was only after changing his mindset from being in the Gap to focusing on the Gain that he finally won his medal.

Jansen shifted from thinking about the losses to thinking about all the people who had helped him get to where he was. He found happiness in the Gain.

Wow. That story hit me like a ton of bricks.

This is the time of year when we focus on the Gaps in our lives. I need to get X more people on the MentorLoft email list. I want to do more podcasts. I should learn new software. And so on.

Jansen’s story made me stop and think. I’m a continuous learner. I asked myself who are the people who have helped me learn something new this year. Who are the people who have made me smarter? They have contributed to my happiness, and I’ll be forever grateful.

So many people to thank

I challenge you to shift your mindset into The Gain and celebrate all those people who have helped you get through 2021 and keep you going through 2022.

That said, I’m sending a major “Thank you” to the following, in no particular order.

Jay, Allison, Christopher, Jessica, David, Debbie, Arianne, Stephanie, Brendan, Kathleen, Larry, Lori, Angelique, Anthony, Pete, Pat.

Keith, Tom, Matt, Jenny, Nelda, Tatyana, Kelly, Doug, another Doug, Whitney, Sam, Liz, George, Nancy, Hassan, Angela, Umberto, Toby, Cindy.

Mark, Cindi, Dotty, Tami, Janet, Dad, Nancy, Anna, Jat, Tracy, Allex, another Allison, Childres, Tripp, and so many more.

Thank you for being a part of my life. I am so blessed.


2022 Additions

Brendan, Marsy, Andrea, MaryBeth, Tyree, Brendon, Jon, Linda, Sarah, Abdullah. I’m so looking forward to adding more wonderful people to this list.

© Pamela A. Scott,, 2021-2022