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Podcast – Closing Your Current and Next-Gen Leadership Gaps

AEC Leadership Today Podcast: “Closing Your Current and Next-Gen Leadership Gaps”

This interview with Pamela Scott was originally featured on the AEC Leadership Today Podcast, Episode 059.

Today’s episode of the AEC Leadership Today podcast features Pamela Scott, Founder and Executive Coach at Mentor Loft. There’s no easy “hack” or downloadable app to get us to be our individual and collective best, but there are ways to achieve our greatest potential faster, and do so with a lot less pain and wasted effort. Talking through how best to do this while closing our leadership gaps is our focus for today.

Closing Your Current and Next-Gen Leadership Gaps

We all have gaps – individually, as a team, and as an organization – but how do we: 1) recognize them, and 2) bridge them? 

Our episode today digs into both… and we get into the real, and sometimes messy, stuff that comes with leader and organizational training and development at all levels. Listen in as we discuss current and next-generation differences and similarities, coaching, leadership and management development, who’s responsible for what, and the power of asking great questions. 


This conversation is also a great example of the dialogue format we have here on the podcast to allow for better, deeper, and more thoughtful conversations into subjects that matter, and in ways that allow you to learn, speak about, and share.

“The things that I cover with CEOs [at firms] aren’t what they were taught at college. They taught you how to be engineers, they didn’t teach you how to manage a $10 Million Business.”

—Pamela Scott

In this episode, we discuss:

– Pam’s background, what led her to AEC, and her particular expertise in communication.

– The similarities and unique differences when working with C-suite and next-generation leaders. 

– Challenges faced by upper management when it comes to leading a firm effectively.

– How we can recognize the right next-generation talent to invest in.

– How we can recognize and actually bridge the gaps between current and next-generation leaders in terms of action – and how it must be the leader’s mission to find and bridge these gaps.

– Delegation and the differences between ‘telling’ and ‘teaching’, and the compounding benefits when we and our teams teach.

– The benefits of executive and next-generation coaching, how best to design training and development today, and the importance of giving good feedback. 

“Telling is never the way to help anybody learn. The way you help people learn is to ask them questions that make them think…asking questions makes people think, and when they think, they make better decisions.”

—Pamela Scott

Pam’s experience and wisdom are invaluable in today’s fast-moving, ever-changing, and increasingly competitive world. Being purposeful about becoming our best and closing our leadership gaps is a must-have for success, and I hope you enjoyed and got as much from this conversation with Pam as I did. 


This interview with Pamela Scott was originally featured on the AEC Leadership Today Podcast, Episode 059.