In The News
How To Write SMART Goals, Courtesy of a Moose This is a guest blog for Engineering Management Institute by Pamela A. Scott, published Jan. 11, 2021 Several years ago, we took a family vacation to…
READ MORE11/13/2020
This is a guest blog for Engineering Management Institute by Pamela A. Scott Is it time to change the way leaders give feedback to employees? Feedback is tough to give (or receive) in the…
READ MORE02/15/2021
This article originally appeared in the Engineering Management Institute Blog. “Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” – Louise L. Hay, motivational…
READ MORE01/10/2020
This article was published in Forbes on Jan. 10, 2020, as part of the Forbes Coaches Council. Play To Your Strengths: 13 Even Better Ways To Improve Your Leadership Skills One of the most consistent…
READ MORE09/05/2019
Have you ever wondered what would happen to your company if your C-suite was no longer around?
READ MORE08/05/2020
This article by Pamela Scott was originally published by Construction Executive on Aug. 5, 2020. Top Qualities of Effective Leadership Communication During a Crisis What makes a construction executive an effective communicator during a…
READ MORE07/10/2020
This article by Katie Kuehner-Herbert was published in Constructor Magazine July 10, 2020. Leading to Leave: Succession Planning Done Well Succession planning can be daunting — but if the current principals determine early on who…
READ MORE07/10/2020
This article by Sheryl S. Jackson was published in Constructor July 10, 2020, and features quotes from Pamela Scott. Strategies to Resume “Normal” Operations Post Covid-19 After months of managing an ever-changing landscape of operational…
READ MOREJune 28, 2020
Use these tips to up the chances that your email will actually get opened and read.
READ MORE02/19/2020
Opening a new business is a scary prospect because of all the uncertainty. For new business owners especially, the fear of the unknown is centered on the availability of funds.